游玩次数 | 2 |
游玩时长 | 2分13秒 |
首次游玩 | 9 月前 (2024年6月12日) |
最后游玩 | 7 月前 (2024年8月5日) |
游玩平台 | PS5 |
获取方式 |
名称 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition |
发布日期 | 2024年6月7日 |
可用平台 | PS5 |
语言 | 中文 俄语 德语 意大利语 法语 波兰语 繁体中文 英语 葡萄牙语(巴西) 西班牙语 西班牙语(墨西哥) 韩语 |
语音 | 英语 |
玩家数量 | 1 |
兼容性 |
體驗風靡全球的經典之作,已針對新世代做了更新,並進行了全面性強化,包括嶄新的光影及環境升級、高畫質紋理、提高繪製距離、Grand Theft Auto V 風格的控制及瞄準模式,以及更多豐富內容。
五年前,卡爾.強森(Carl Johnson 又稱 CJ)為了逃離生活壓力離開了聖安地列斯的洛聖都……一個幫派猖獗、毒品氾濫和貪腐敗壞的崩壞之城。時值 90 年代初期。卡爾現在必須回家一趟。他的母親遭人殺害、家庭分崩離析,甚至連童年好友也一步步走向毀滅。回到社區之後,一群警察誣陷他涉及謀殺。卡爾.強森因此被迫踏上橫跨整個聖安地列斯州的旅程,試圖挽救他的家庭,並且掌控整個街頭,而接下來的一連串事件將改變一切。
Rockstar Games 開發,由 Grove Street Games 進行調整。
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Rockstar Games, Inc. 622 Broadway, New York, NY, 10012. © 2001–2021. Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and R* Logo are marks/logos/copyrights of Take-Two Interactive. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998–2021, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Uses Oodle. Copyright © 2008–2021 by Epic Game Tools, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other marks and trademarks are properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.Use of this game is governed by the EULA available at www.rockstargames.com/eula. Some game features require internet connection. Rockstar does not guarantee the availability of online features, such as in-game purchases, multiplayer, or downloadable content, at any time including at launch. All online features are subject to the terms available at www.rockstargames.com/legal. Certain game features require Rockstar Social Club account registration, single-use serial code, or additional fees; such features are non-transferrable. Rockstar reserves the right to modify or discontinue the availability of any game features at its discretion without notice. For info, customer service and tech support, visit www.rockstar.com/support. This game is fictional; any similarities to real-world places, people, or entities is coincidental and does not imply any third-party sponsorship or endorsement of game content.
警告: 本物品內容可能令人反感;不可將本物品派發、傳閱、出售、出租、交給或出借予年齡未滿18歲的人士或將本物品向該等人士出示、播放或放映。
Rockstar Games, Inc. 622 Broadway, New York, NY, 10012. © 2001–2021. Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and R* Logo are marks/logos/copyrights of Take-Two Interactive. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998–2021, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Uses Oodle. Copyright © 2008–2021 by Epic Game Tools, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other marks and trademarks are properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.Use of this game is governed by the EULA available at www.rockstargames.com/eula. Some game features require internet connection. Rockstar does not guarantee the availability of online features, such as in-game purchases, multiplayer, or downloadable content, at any time including at launch. All online features are subject to the terms available at www.rockstargames.com/legal. Certain game features require Rockstar Social Club account registration, single-use serial code, or additional fees; such features are non-transferrable. Rockstar reserves the right to modify or discontinue the availability of any game features at its discretion without notice. For info, customer service and tech support, visit www.rockstar.com/support. This game is fictional; any similarities to real-world places, people, or entities is coincidental and does not imply any third-party sponsorship or endorsement of game content.